Climate Change Attorney Blog


Department of Defense Notes Strategic Importance of Climate Change

In a report released on February 1, 2010 the Department of Defense outlined strategic issues related to Climate Change. The Quadrennial Defense Review of the Department of Defense devotes a section to the potential security impacts of Climate Change. The report notes in part: “Climate change will affect DoD in…


SEC Issues Interpretive Guidance On Need to Disclose Impacts of Climate Change

The Securities and Exchange Commission issued interpretive guidance on the application of existing regulations to the need to disclose the impacts of climate change on business. In a press release issued on January 27th the SEC provided examples of instances in which climate change or regulations related to climate change…


Report on Usefullness of Grasslands In Mitigating Climate Change

The United Nation Food and Agriculture Organization has released a report which finds that proper use of grassland can assist in reducing carbon dioxide and therefore aid in combating Climate Change. In a summary of the report, Constance Neely, co-author of the report, is quoted as saying: “Grasslands represent the…


Climate Change Impacting Water Resources and Across Border Conflicts

A study released today discusses the impact of Climate Change on water resources and ultimately across border conflicts over those resources. The study issued by the Pacific Institute notes that 40% of the world’s population obtains its water from shared resources. As a result of the impacts of climate change…


EPA Issues Formal Finding that Greenhouse Gases Threaten Public Health and the Environment

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued endangerment findings today formally declaring greenhouse gases (GHGs) to be a threat to public health and the environment. In a press release issued with the findings the EPA stated: “EPA’s endangerment finding covers emissions of six key greenhouse gases – carbon dioxide,…


British Antarctic Survey Releases Report on Antarctic Climate

The British Antarctic Survey released what it has called the “first comprehensive review” of the Antarctic climate. In a press release describing the report it is noted that the findings include information on the “impact and consequences of rapid warming of the Antarctic Peninsula and the Southern Ocean; rapid ice…


Study Finds 29% Increase in Carbon Dioxide Emissions Since 2000

The Global Carbon Project issued its “Carbon Budget 2008” yesterday which concludes, among other things, that carbon dioxide emissions have increased by 29% since 2000. In addition, the emissions are 41% above 1990 levels, which is the Kyoto reference year. The summary of the report also notes that coal is…


NCAR FInds Record High Temperatures Signal Climate Change

The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) released a study on Friday of millions of readings, going back as far as 1950, from 1800 weather stations throughout the United States, which show a significant increase of record high temperatures in relation to record low temperatures. As noted in a press…