
Articles Posted in Climate Change


Global Warming Contributing to Tree Mortality

In an article published by the journal Science,it was found that the effects of warming and resulting “water deficits are likely contributors to tree mortality.” A summary of the report in today’s New York Times notes that the study conducted in the Pacific Northwest found significant increased mortality, irrespective of…


Iowa Climate Change Advisory Council Makes Recommendations

The Iowa Climate Change Council appointed by the governor in 2007 issued its final report just before Christmas. The report contains 56 recommendations to reduce GHGs through, among other things, energy efficiency and a cap and trade program. If implemented the program will reportedly cost the state an estimated 4.8…


Abrupt Climate Change Report from U.S. Geological Survey

While the good news is that the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) report issued last week finds that “abrupt” climate change is unlikely in the 21st century, the bad news is that such “abrupt” changes are possible and present models cannot even predict some of the potential changes. Among the conclusions…


New York Municipalities Begin Requiring LEED, Green Building Certification

Municipalities in the lower Hudson Valley are joining a small but growing trend in trying to combat global warming by requiring that new building projects and some renovations receive LEED, green building certification. Earlier this week the County Executive of Rockland County signed a local law which requires that for…


Cement Manufacturer Challenges Government Move to “Green” Cement

In a challenge to attempts by several north Texas cities to address climate change issues, cement manufacturer Ash Grove LLP has brought an action in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas. The lawsuit, which was filed on November 26, 2008, alleges that the local resolutions, favoring…


Poznan Climate Change Conference Underway

The United Nations Climate Change conference has begun with reports of criticism of the failure of industrialized nations to agree to meaningful targets for emission controls and financial and technical support to developing nations. A substantial amount of the criticism by environmentalists has reportedly been directed at the Bush Administration.…


New York DEC and Climate Change

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has created an Office of Climate Change which has as its purpose developing “responses needed for significant emissions reductions.” In addition to working on the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGHI) a ten state cap and trade program to reduce CO2 emissions,…